Automate your salon operations with MioSalon

Enhanced productivity and streamlined operations with cutting-edge salon automation ideas.

Salon automation is all about one thing: To give you the time and energy to focus on solving more intelligent problems, understanding and responding to customer needs, building relationships, and working on the next big thing.

MioSalon incorporates twenty-three different automations, which will change the way your run a salon and spa business:

  • 24/7 online booking

    24/7 online booking using Google, Facebook and your Website

    Did you know? 45% internet searches happen after business hours (9pm- 9am). To promote your business efficiently, you need a self-service online booking option that enables clients to schedule appointments without a receptionist during non-business hours.

    It makes it easy and convenient for your guests to schedule appointments and also gives your business an added advantage of engaging with them through Google and social media platforms. Integrate the booking widget to get started.

  • online booking spam control

    Online booking spam control

    Make overbooking and no-shows a thing of the past. Detect spam users with an automated custom intelligent rule and chose to collect upfront payment or OTP 2-way identity verification before blocking resources and stylist availability.

  • Appointment Confirmation Notification

    Appointment Confirmation Notification

    Automated text and email notifications will help you improve staff productivity. Send out automated reminders 'x' hours before a schedule appointment is supposed to take place. Get clear visibility of confirmed appointments and decide when to allow double bookings and accommodate walk-in clients on non-confirmed bookings.

  • Appointment by Google Calendar

    Appointment by Google Calendar

    MioSalon's integration with Google will change the way you serve a client. Remind clients of their upcoming appointments, and get insights on their start time from their current location and traffic congestion reports. It's a seamless way to help a client make it in time to your business location.

  • Multiple Reminders for Appointment

    Multiple Reminders for Appointment

    Did you know? The last-minute appointment cancellation rate is 9 per cent if left unattended. Dramatically reduce the no-show rate by scheduling reminders via multiple channels such as SMS, Email and Google to intimate clients of their upcoming appointments. Continuous engagement with a client keeps them on their toes and urges them to make it in time for their appointment.

  • Reminder for Staff on Booking

    Reminder for Staff on booking

    Don't let anything hamper staff productivity and ensure they never miss an appointment. Send out timely reminders to your staff on their upcoming appointments. Help them plan their day and enable them to handle walk-in clients without any conflicts.

  • Automated Greetings & Offers for Birthday & Anniversary

    Automated Greetings and Offers for Birthday and Anniversary

    Never miss a chance to wish a client on their special day. Greetings have a 481% higher transaction rate than regular promotions.

    Automate promotional offers ahead of their birthday/anniversary date and attract them to your business. Sending out personalised greetings is a great client retention move as well.

  • Daily/Weekly/Monthly report summary for admin, manager and staff

    Daily/Weekly/Monthly report summary for admin, manager and staff

    Every stakeholder of your business wants to get a roundup into daily performance of key personnel. Get detailed insights on all key metrics of each location of your business while staff can analyse their performance at the end of each week. Never compromise on the analytics of your business. Schedule to send a report to each individual involved in your business with the right level of access control.

  • Feedback from customer

    Feedback from customer

    Monitor what's being said about your business online. 52% people around the globe believe that companies need to take action on feedback provided by their customers. It is a chance for your business to provide better customer retention and improve your services. Understanding a client's needs and feedback will help you provide services and facilities that are par excellence.

  • Stop the Negative Feedback

    Stop the negative feedback

    Control feedback that can hamper the reputation of your business. More than four negative reviews about a product or service can decrease sales by 70%. The human mind tends to slip from regular operation by overlooking the subconscious mind. Never let such an incident imprint a black mark against your business profile or impact the morale of your staff. Alert the grievance officer immediately and resolve a complaint before a customer leaves your business premises. Also, prevent any negative reviews from taking over Google and social media platforms by automating feedback alerts.

  • Convert every happy customer into 5-star rating in Google and other social media platforms

    Convert every happy customer into 5-star rating in Google and other social media platforms

    A customer will not visit your business location if it has less than a 4* rating. Convert every customer experience into positive reviews on Google and other social media platforms. On an average, Miosalon is adding over twenty 5-star- rating for its customers.

  • Sell Gift Voucher online

    Sell Gift Voucher online

    If acquiring new customers is on the cards, start by selling gift cards online. Customers who visit with a gift voucher are more likely to spend 10-30% more than the actual value. Allow your customers to gift a service, package or voucher to their friends and family. Visiting your premises should never be a constraint with this avenue of a revenue channel.

  • Sell Services Online

    Sell Services Online

    Do not limit your customers with online booking alone. You can opt to collect full or part payments as well. Your POS terminal is not the only transacting place anymore. Look beyond that.

  • Automatic Track Multi-Sitting Package

    Automatic Track Multi-Sitting Package

    The multi-sitting package is a fool-proof ways to increase customer loyalty. Sell services as a bundle with various options such as:

    • A fixed count of the same services as a package,
    • A fixed count of different services as a package,
    • An optional multi-sitting package bounded by count and services, letting the customer choose the services of their interest during their visit.

    Sell the packages online and seamlessly track the usage/redemption and an incentive for the staff for every visit. If you do this properly, your business will be able to retain customers for their next 5-10 visits.

  • Service specific automated reminder for next visit

    Service-specific automated reminder for next visit

    You know your business and customers, and how frequently a service is taken by them again and again. Send an automated reminder to your customers' specific to the services they avail regularly, in the right intervals. A timely reminder can help retain 80% of your clients. Whether they're due for threading, facial or hair service, send out automated reminders.

  • Automated Incentive calculation on various profiles

    Automated Incentive calculation on various profiles

    A properly structured incentive program can increase employee performance by as much as 44%. Don't let complicated bookkeeping and calculations come in the way of your business. Let MioSalon handle it for you as the software makes it easy.

    Define the incentive profile with various rules and by setting the percentage of the value of the product, services and packages sold. It also allows you to calculate incentive based on discount value, tax, bonus credit and seniority level. It also allows you to have multiple profiles and auto-calculate it in the background as the invoice is generated in the billing terminal.

  • Alert central admin on data download

    Alert central admin on data download

    Define the granular level of permission configuration on what data your employee can access. If you want certain employees to have access to critical data but limit it to a legitimate purpose, alert the admin each time any critical data is downloaded.

  • Low inventory alert

    Low inventory alert

    Never go out of stock of any supplies with MioSalon. It also eliminates the need of daily auditing and stocking. Get alerts when the inventory goes below a set threshold while you get to stay focused on customer-related business operations.

  • Inter-branch stock transfer & reconciliation

    Inter-branch stock transfer & reconciliation

    Manage one or more business locations easily within few clicks. The consumption and sales rate of product varies across various locations. You don't have to restock the product in one location when you have a surplus in another. Also, in case of an emergency, you can always borrow products from different locations. When stock is transferred from one branch to another, get a clear overview on the remaining stocks available at all locations.

  • Centralized Prepaid Wallet redemption & reconciliation with OTP-based security

    Centralized Prepaid Wallet redemption & reconciliation with OTP-based security

    Upfront payment membership is the most powerful loyalty program with an extremely high retention rate and significant revenue contributor. A multi- outlet brand with the prepaid plan must offer redemption experience across all the other locations. Accurate balance tracking, multiple recharges offering different benefits, and reconciliation of credit and debit of transaction across locations is easy to tally with automated incentive calculations. Further secure illegal redemption of expired balance using OTP verifications.

  • Part-Payment tracking & due collection

    Part-Payment tracking & due collection

    Loyal customers are the asset of the wellness industry. A business also has a good share of loyal customers where trust precedes POS transactions. If you want a customer to have a cashless experience and collect the payment later, allow them to pay part of the total amount. They can also pay once in a quarter or once the amount reaches a specific value. Based on how you name it, you need to track payments that are due and get a list of unpaid/part-paid reports. Get alerts automatically on a customer's next visit to collect their dues and say goodbye to manual entries.

  • Bill cancellation/edit abuse alert

    Bill cancellation/edit abuse alert

    Cancelling or editing a wrong bill is a basic need. But the same capability has been identified as the most abused function, where the employee cancels the valid bill to mishandle the revenue. Set SMS/Email alerts to the salon owner once an employee cancels a bill and also generate a separate list of cancelled invoice reports.

  • Product Usage Tracking

    Product usage tracking

    A customer appreciates a service when adequate quantity of a quality product has been used. If the usage of a product marked as consumed is excess than the actual quantity required to perform the service, you can track the usage and total consumption at the end of each month.

    Automate your salon internal product consumption after every invoice is generated, and get detailed insights and high-level reports to avoid stock loss.

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