Automate Your Salon & Spa Client Communication with These 12 Essential Text Messages

Ensure repeat business by automating text message notifications for clients at every stage of their journey.

Ensure repeat business by automating text message notifications for clients at every stage of their journey. It's crucial to send out 12 essential messages to customers throughout their journey, but doing it manually isn't feasible. Thankfully, with the help of advanced and free salon management software, you can fully automate your salon software with SMS messages for clients.

In this blog post, we'll guide you through the entire client journey and provide you with salon software that automates SMS messages. Let's take a look at the notification journey for a single appointment!

New Appointment Confirmation Message

To ensure a smooth client experience, it's essential to send confirmation messages for salon appointments. Whether the appointment is booked online or over the phone, clients need to be notified with appointment details, including the date, time, venue, and stylist assigned to their services.

By sending a confirmation message, you acknowledge receipt and fully confirm the appointment. Without confirmation, clients may experience psychological discomfort and confusion regarding the appointment status, leading to a lack of trust in your salon. To build trust, you can send notifications via email, text/SMS, or WhatsApp.

Here's a sample confirmation message:

"Hi Dave, your appointment at Beauty Palace in Chennai on November 1st, 2022, at 11:30 AM, is confirmed. If you need to cancel, please click here booking or call us at Tel: +1 408 413 0905."

Appointment Rescheduling Message

In the event of an appointment needing to be rescheduled, it's crucial to send a salon Appointment Rescheduling Message to inform the client of the new timing. There are various circumstances that may require an appointment to be rescheduled, such as the client requesting a schedule change, staff taking leave and needing to reschedule, business maintenance, or emergency closures.

To avoid any confusion or last-minute surprises, it's essential to communicate the change in appointment timing to both the client and staff. Sending an instant notification of the new timing is critical, even if the rescheduled or old appointments fall within the next 30-60 minutes. Any delay can cause concern and lead to a poor experience.

Appointment reminder messages at different intervals

Why is it important to send salon appointment reminder messages at proper intervals?

In today's busy world, it can be challenging for clients to keep track of their appointments and schedules. Whether booking appointments for the same day or weeks in advance, timely reminders are crucial to ensure clients show up on time.

To help with this, it's recommended to send reminders for today's and tomorrow's appointments at specific intervals. These include a reminder a day before, one in the morning, and one 30 minutes before the scheduled appointment.

Additionally, weekly reminders for appointments that fall a couple of weeks apart can be sent to help clients re-align their schedules or reschedule appointments to avoid no-shows.

Fortunately, MioSalon Lite, a free salon management software, allows businesses to create custom reminder intervals that meet their specific needs. Moreover, MioSalon can also automatically synchronize appointments into a client's phone calendar using Google Calendar integration. With these features, businesses can fully automate reminders and improve their client's experience.

Here are some sample messages for salon appointment reminders at different intervals:

Appointment Reminder Notification
  • Reminder for tomorrow's appointment:

    Hi [Client Name]! This is a reminder from [Salon Name] about your appointment tomorrow, [Date] at [Time]. Please let us know if you need to reschedule by calling us at [Phone Number]. See you soon!

  • Reminder for today's appointment:

    Hi [Client Name]! This is a reminder from [Salon Name] about your appointment today at [Time]. Please let us know if you need to reschedule by calling us at [Phone Number]. See you soon!

  • Reminder 30 minutes before the appointment:

    Hi [Client Name]! This is a reminder from [Salon Name] about your appointment in 30 minutes. Please arrive early so that your timing is proper. For any queries, call us at [Phone Number]. See you soon!

  • Weekly reminders for appointments that fall a couple of weeks apart:

    Hi [Client Name]! This is a reminder from [Salon Name] about your appointment next week, [Date] at [Time]. If you need to reschedule or have any questions, please call us at [Phone Number]. Looking forward to seeing you!

And here's a sample message for a salon appointment cancellation:

Hi [Client Name], we regret to inform you that your appointment with [Salon Name] on [Date] at [Time] has been canceled. Please book your next appointment by visiting [Booking Website URL] or by calling us at [Phone Number]. Thank you for your understanding.

Appointment Cancellation Message

Why should salon appointment cancellation messages be automated?

It's important to send appointment cancellation messages to clients to keep them informed and avoid any confusion or inconvenience. When clients have made an appointment, they've likely blocked out time in their schedule to attend.

If the appointment gets canceled, they may not know and could potentially show up at the salon, only to find out that their appointment is no longer happening. This can be frustrating for the client and a waste of time for both the client and the salon.

Sample appointment cancel message:

Hi Dave, your appointment with Beauty Palace on 14 Jun 2022 at 11:20 AM is canceled. Book your Next Appointment at WAFFOR.

Appointment Completed Message

Why should we send a salon appointment completion message?

Sending a salon appointment completion message to your clients is important for several reasons.

Firstly, it helps to confirm that the appointment has been successfully completed, which gives your clients peace of mind that their visit to your salon was a success.

Secondly, it allows you to gather feedback on the appointment and the overall salon experience, which can help you to improve your services and retain clients in the future.

Finally, it provides an opportunity to thank your clients for their patronage and encourage them to book their next appointment with you. This can help to build loyalty and ensure repeat business.

Overall, a salon appointment completion message is a simple yet effective way to communicate with your clients and improve their overall experience.

Check how to collect feedback automatically and increase the digital brand at no cost.

Sample appointment completed message:

Hi Dave, Thank you for visiting Pretty Salon. Your bill details $400 on 14 Jun 2022 at 11:20 AM Book your Next Appointment here Thank you

Digital Invoice - Receipt Message

Why do we need a paperless digital invoice in the salon?

Going paperless and using digital invoices in a salon can bring a host of benefits to both the business and its customers. Some of the benefits include

Environmental impact:

By eliminating paper usage, businesses can reduce their environmental impact and promote sustainability.

Time and cost savings:

Digital invoices can save time and money spent on printing, mailing, and storing paper invoices. Businesses can also save on postage costs, as digital invoices can be sent via email or other online channels.

Increased accuracy:

Digital invoices can help eliminate errors caused by manual data entry or illegible handwriting, leading to more accurate billing and fewer disputes with customers.

Improved record-keeping:

Digital invoices can be easily stored and organized electronically, making it easier for businesses to access and manage their billing records.

Convenience for customers:

Digital invoices can be sent directly to customers' email inboxes or mobile devices, allowing them to easily access and pay their bills online.

Enhanced customer experience:

With digital invoices, customers can receive timely and accurate billing information, view their payment history, and quickly resolve any billing issues, leading to an overall better customer experience.

Overall, using digital invoices can benefit both the salon and its customers by reducing paper usage, saving time and costs, improving accuracy and record-keeping, and enhancing the customer experience.

Sample text message:

  • Hi Emma, thank you for choosing our salon. Here's the invoice for your recent visit: [link]. We would love to see you again, book your next appointment here: [link].

  • Hi Sarah! Your invoice for your recent visit to Beauty Palace is ready. Click here to download it: [insert link]. Thank you for choosing us!

  • Hi [Customer Name], Your Salon invoice for [Appointment Date] is ready. The total amount is $[Amount]. Please download your invoice at [Link]. Thank you!

A significant number of manager/staff-operated salons or spas engage in some form of pilferage activities, such as canceling bills from past dates, editing old bills, and redeeming client credits. This has been identified in approximately 80% of such establishments.

Feedback Request Message

Why is it important to collect feedback after a salon service?

Collecting feedback after a salon service is important as it helps measure and improve client experience. By getting feedback, the salon can understand what they did well and what they could have done better. It also helps to identify any issues or problems that need to be addressed.

Feedback can help the salon improve its services, enhance customer satisfaction, and increase retention. Additionally, it can also provide insight into areas where the salon can expand its services or improve its marketing strategy.

MioSalon helps salons collect and analyze feedback from clients through its customer feedback feature. Clients can rate their experience and provide comments on the service received. This feedback is then visible to the salon, allowing them to see the areas where they are performing well and where improvements are needed.

MioSalon also provides salon owners with actionable insights from feedback data, enabling them to make data-driven decisions to improve customer satisfaction and grow their business.

Sample feedback request message:

Hi Dave, thanks for your time today, I hope our service was satisfactory. It would be great if you shared your feedback with us so that we can make changes accordingly. Kindly share your Feedback in the below link

"Thank you for choosing our salon. We would love to hear your feedback. Please click on the link to share your experience: [link]"

If the client is unhappy with the service, the manager and staff will immediately be notified to remediate the issue. A timely action to fix the bad experience will have a high chance of retaining the client.

Alert message for negative feedback

When a client gives negative feedback, it's essential to address their concerns and try to resolve the issue as soon as possible.

Here are some steps you can take to alert staff, managers, and owners and prevent negative reviews on social media:

  • Set up a system to receive feedback: Use salon management software like MioSalon to set up automated feedback requests after each appointment. This will give you an opportunity to address any issues before a client decides to share negative feedback on social media.

  • Monitor feedback: Regularly monitor feedback received from clients to identify any negative comments or issues raised.

  • Alert staff and managers: Use a system like MioSalon to send alerts to staff and managers when negative feedback is received. This will allow them to respond promptly and address the client's concerns.

  • Resolve the issue: Contact the client immediately and try to resolve the issue. If possible, offer to provide a discount or free service to make up for any inconvenience caused.

  • Ask for a revised review: If the client is satisfied with the resolution, ask them if they would be willing to provide a revised review or feedb

  • Follow up: Follow up with the client a few days after the appointment to ensure they are satisfied with the resolution.

By addressing negative feedback promptly and effectively, you can prevent negative reviews on social media and improve the client experience at your salon.

Here's a sample alert message to the staff, manager, and owner when a salon client gives negative feedback:

"Attention Salon Team: A client has left negative feedback regarding their recent visit. Please review the feedback and take the necessary actions to improve the client experience. Thank you."

The message can be sent through salon management software like MioSalon, which can alert the team in real-time and provide details of the negative feedback for them to take necessary actions.

Recurring Appointments Reminder Message

Sending reminders for recurring appointments that are booked as part of a multi-session bundled package is crucial for both enhancing the client experience and increasing the salon's operational efficiency.

From a client's perspective, receiving reminders ensures they never miss an appointment and stay on track with their treatment plan. It also helps build trust with the salon by demonstrating that the salon cares about its time and investment in its services.

From a salon's perspective, sending reminders for bundled package appointments ensures the effective utilization of resources and operational efficiency. It helps to reduce no-shows and last-minute cancellations, leading to better scheduling and allocation of resources.

Additionally, the salon can avoid overbooking and understaffing, which helps in providing an optimum level of service to clients. In turn, this leads to higher customer satisfaction, increased client retention, and ultimately, business growth.

Overall, timely reminders for bundled package appointments help in creating a positive experience for clients, leading to increased operational efficiency and business growth for salons.

MioSalon offers automated reminders for recurring appointments through its salon management software. Once the client books a multi-session bundled package, the system automatically creates all future appointments based on the frequency and duration of the package. MioSalon then sends automated reminders for each appointment, ensuring that the client is reminded in advance and does not miss any appointments.

This not only enhances the client experience by providing timely reminders but also increases operational efficiency as salon staff does not have to manually send reminders or worry about no-shows. Additionally, MioSalon provides the option to customize the reminder intervals based on the salon's requirements.

12 Must Client Text Messages to be Automated for Salon & Spa
Recurring Appointments Reminder Message

Automate Client Engagement Notifications Messages

Automating salon client engagement notifications is crucial for maintaining client retention and footfall. Clients expect regular services like haircuts, facials, and waxing, at specific intervals. Reminding clients about these services help them recall your brand and encourages them to book their next software like MioSalon can send automated reminders specific to service intervals, increasing operational efficiency.

Sample SMS messages for reminders include:

  • "Hi CLIENT'S NAME, it's time for your haircut at SALON NAME! Get exciting discounts by booking your appointment now. Call: +1 408 413 0905".

  • "Dear CLIENT'S NAME, your next facial appointment at SALON NAME is due in 45 days. Avail of our service and get exciting discounts! To book your appointment, call: +1 408 413 0905".

  • "Hi Dave, it's time to refresh your hair color again! Book your appointment now for a hair spa at".

  • "Hi Dave, it's time for your high-frequency pedicure and manicure at SALON NAME. Book your appointment now and enjoys our services! Call: +1 408 413 0905"

According to a study by the Harvard Business Review, increasing customer retention rates by just 5% can increase profits by 25% to 95%.

Brand recall is an essential factor in getting clients back, as it helps them remember the brand and the experience they had with it.

Effective brand recall strategies for salons can include:

  • Consistent branding: Ensure that your branding elements such as logo, color scheme, and design are consistent across all marketing channels, including your website, social media pages, and printed materials.

  • Loyalty programs: Reward loyal customers with discounts, exclusive offers, or free services, which can motivate them to come back and also recommend your salon to others.

  • Personalized communication: Send personalized emails or SMS messages to clients, addressing them by their name and reminding them of the services they had previously availed of, as well as any upcoming offers or promotions.

  • Social media engagement: Maintain an active presence on social media platforms, regularly posting engaging content, and responding to comments and messages promptly.

  • Referral programs: Encourage satisfied clients to refer their friends and family to your salon by offering incentives such as discounts on services or free add-ons.

Referral programs:

Encourage satisfied clients to refer their friends and family to your salon by offering incentives such as discounts on services or free add-ons.

Overall, effective brand recall strategies can not only help in increasing client retention rates but also in attracting new clients to the salon.

Upcoming Birthday and Anniversary Messages

Why is it important to automate salon customers' Upcoming Birthday and Anniversary Messages?

It is important to send automated birthday wishes and anniversary wishes to salon clients for several reasons. First, it helps to build a strong relationship with clients, making them feel valued and appreciated. It also helps to increase client retention and encourage repeat business, as clients are more likely to return to a salon that acknowledges and celebrates their special events.

Sending reminders and wishes well ahead of these special events allows clients to plan their salon visits and make them look good for their special occasion. This creates a positive experience for the client and increases the likelihood of them returning to the salon in the future.

Brand recall is also an important factor in sending automated wishes to clients. By reminding them of the salon and its services, clients are more likely to recall the brand and return for future services.

Clients who are celebrating a special occasion often have a higher spending potential compared to regular clients, as they are willing to spend more on looking their best for their event. This makes them an important target for salons looking to increase revenue.

MioSalon salon management software helps address these problems by offering automated birthday and anniversary reminders, as well as the ability to send personalized messages to clients. The software also provides tools for tracking client spending and booking history, making it easier to target high-spending clients and provide personalized services. Overall, the software helps salons increase client engagement, retention, and revenue.

The number of reminders and the interval at which they should be sent may vary depending on the salon's preference and the type of event being reminded of. As a general guideline, it is recommended to send at least two reminders, one a week before the event and another a day or two before the event.

Sample messages for advance reminders:

  • "Hey [Client Name], just a friendly reminder that your [service name] appointment is coming up next week on [date]. Book now to avoid any last-minute rush. Call us on [salon contact number]."

  • "Don't forget [Client Name], your special occasion is just around the corner. We would love to pamper you for your big day with our [service name]. Book now on [salon website URL] or call us on [salon contact number]."

Sample messages for the day of the event:

  • "Happy Birthday [Client Name]! We hope your day is as fabulous as yours. Don't forget to stop by our salon for a special treat on us!"

  • "Happy Anniversary [Client Name]! We hope you have an amazing day celebrating with your loved one. Stop by our salon today for a complimentary [service name] on us."

MioSalon salon management software offers customizable automated messaging features that can send reminders and wishes at the desired intervals and with personalized messages. The software can also track client birthdays and anniversaries and send automated messages to ensure that no special occasion is missed.

Many people book their appointments for 0-2 days before their birthday or anniversary. To remind clients of your brand during their high decision-making time, it's recommended to send wishes at least 7 days in advance.

Sending birthday/anniversary wishes in advance gives you the opportunity to be the first to convey your message, as well as offer a special discount or promotion.

Here are some sample messages to send at different intervals before the event:

  • 7 days before: "We wish you a very Happy Birthday from the Pretty Salon Team. Enjoy a 20% discount on your next service as a special birthday treat! Book with us before the end of the week to avail yourself of your offer. Book your Appointment here".

  • 4 days before: "We wish you a very Happy Birthday from the Pretty Salon Team. You have 4 days left to celebrate your day. Enjoy a 20% discount on your next service as our special birthday treat! Book in with us before the end of the week.".

  • 2 days before: "We wish you a very Happy Birthday from the Pretty Salon Team. Enjoy a 20% discount on your next service as a special birthday treat! Book your Appointment here".

  • 1 day before: "We wish you a very Happy Birthday from the Pretty Salon Team. Enjoy a 20% discount on your next service as a special birthday treat! Book your Appointment here".

  • On the day of the event: "We wish you a very Happy Birthday from the Pretty Salon Team. Enjoy a 20% discount on your next service as a special birthday treat! Book your Appointment here".

Upcoming Birthday Messages
Sample Birthday Message's
Upcoming Anniversary Messages
Sample Anniversary Message's

Salon & Spa Offer messages for the season and festive events

Sending seasonal and festival wishes and offers to salon clients is important because it helps to build a strong relationship with them and create a positive image of your salon in their minds. By doing this, you are showing them that you care about them and are willing to go the extra mile to make them feel special.

It is important to send these messages in advance to give clients enough time to plan and book their appointments, and also to avoid the risk of getting lost among other messages received during the festive season.

Sending these messages in advance also helps to attract clients to your salon rather than your competitors. Clients tend to spend more on festivals like Diwali, Christmas, and New Year, as they want to look their best during these celebrations. Offering them special discounts or packages can help to entice them to choose your salon over others.

Sample offer messages for festivals/seasons:

  • Diwali: Get 30% off on all beauty services

  • Christmas: Pamper yourself with our holiday special package at 20% off

  • New Year: Start the year with a new look! Avail 15% off on haircuts and hair color services

Gift vouchers can be used as a tool to get new clients through your existing clients. By offering gift vouchers as part of your festival/seasonal offers, existing clients can gift them to their family and friends, who may not have visited your salon before. This helps to increase your customer base and attract new clients.

MioSalon salon management software provides features like automated messaging and gift voucher management, which can be used to send seasonal and festival wishes and offers to clients, as well as manage gift voucher sales and redemption. The software also provides detailed reports on customer behavior and preferences, which can be used to design targeted campaigns and offers.

Low-business/low-peak hours offers

How to increase salon business on weekdays?

Typically, weekdays are less busy than weekends. To make the most of your resources, such as staff hours, rooms, equipment, etc., you can offer discounts during low-business or low-peak hours.

Here are some sample offers you can promote on weekdays:

Monday Offer to

Fight your Monday blues by treating yourself to our amazing Monday offer! Get 20% OFF on any service you avail. Hurry, it's only available on Mondays!

Terrific Tuesday Offer

Make your Tuesday less boring with our exclusive Tuesday offer! Get 20% OFF on all haircut services.

Wonderful Wednesday Offer

Make your midweek all about yourself with our Wonderful Wednesday Offer! Enjoy a flat 10% OFF on all our spa services.

Thursday Happy Hours

Not quite ready for the weekend yet? No problem! Get 30% OFF on all your favorite color streaks and other hair coloring services.

High Five Friday Offers

Get ready for the weekend with our High Five Friday offers! Enjoy 20% OFF on all facial service

In addition to offering discounts, you can also automate notifications to your staff and managers to keep them informed about critical and time-sensitive information, so they can perform their services more effectively.

Sending automated text messages to clients is not just for messaging but also for brand building. Typically, humans remember only two brands for a particular type of service, so it's essential to automate every message to remind your brand to clients twice a week.

MioSalon offers several features to help address these problems, including automated marketing campaigns, text message reminders, and customizable offers and promotions. With MioSalon, you can easily manage your salon marketing and promotions to increase business on weekdays and make the most of your resources.


In conclusion, automating client text messages through salon software can help salons save time, increase efficiency, and improve client communication. By using salon software like MioSalon, salons can easily automate various types of text messages for clients, including appointment reminders, birthday greetings, and promotional offers. Not only does this help improve client engagement and retention, but it also helps build and promote the salon's brand. Overall, by leveraging the power of technology and automation, salons can enhance their client experience and streamline their operations, ultimately leading to greater success and growth.

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